Friday, May 1, 2020

Final Project Guide

Digital guidelines: Promoting healthy technology use for children

10 points for each of the following:

          Application of Course Material: How accurately, fluently, and correctly are you integrating appropriate concepts and knowledge from the course into your examination of your chosen topic? An A presentation will explicitly connect to course material that is clearly applicable and demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of this material.

          Engagement with Issues: Are you using childhood studies theories and perspectives to raise useful, insightful questions about your chosen topic? Are you generating ideas that challenge existing discourse? An A presentation will not take one established "side" of a preexisting argument about childhood, but rather will aim to present a unique perspective based on childhood studies theory and your own diverse disciplinary perspectives. Seeking out children's own voices on the subject, where possible, is encouraged.

          Creativity/Presentation: Have you created engaging materials to accompany your presentation? PowerPoint is fine, but try to think outside the box; you can provide handouts, use activities to get the class talking or moving, create a video…you can give part of your presentation as slam poetry if that's the way you can best get your point across! An A presentation will be unique and memorable without sacrificing clarity of ideas.

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Final Project Guide

10 points for each of the following:           Application of Course Material: How accurately, fluently, and correctly are you integ...